Information for journalists

It is essential that the Communications team is the media’s first point of contact with the Trust.

For all media enquiries, please contact the Communications team;

Telephone:  01332 786 947

For urgent queries out-of-hours, please contact the Trust's switchboard and ask to be put through to on-call communications. Please note this should only be used for time-critical, urgent enquiries.

By managing all enquiries from journalists, the Communications team:

  • protect the rights of our patients and staff to privacy.
  • maintains the Trust's reputation within the local community, giving patients confidence in our service quality.
  • promotes the fantastic achievements of our staff.
  • enables staff and the Trust the right to reply to any negative press.
  • supports staff with media enquiries relating to them or their department.

Media enquiries

We support a wide range of media requests, including:

  • Official statements and interview opportunities; from clinical experts to comment on health related issues.
  • Identifying relevant case studies.
  • Media support for major incidents.
  • Overseeing any filming relating to the Trust.

Journalists should note that the Trust will never divulge any information about a patient without first receiving permission from the patient concerned.

Permission for filming and interviews

Under no circumstances are the media permitted to conduct interviews or film within the grounds of our five hospital sites, without first attaining permission from the Trust’s communications team.

Reporters must also be accompanied by a member of the team at all times.

Anyone conducting interviews, filming or taking photographs at any of our hospitals without consent will be asked to leave immediately. This includes filming or taking photographs during public board meetings. 

Patient care is our top priority and we have a duty to protect the privacy and confidentiality of all of our patients. Therefore, before any photographs or videos of our patients and hospital visitors can be taken, they must first fill in a consent form provided by the Communications team.

Contact the Communications team

Telephone:  01332 786 947