Maps of Florence Nightingale Community Hospital

Our maps will help you find your way around Florence Nightingale Community Hospital.

Should you need any assistance, our Reception team at the main entrance level 2 will be happy to direct you to the department or ward you are looking for and assist you with any other enquiries when you arrive. 

We also have volunteers at the hospital who are here to meet and greet patients on arrival, and will help you find your way or escort you to the right ward or area of the hospital.

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Florence Nightingale Community Hospital has four entrances which are:

Entrance A

  • Located off Litchurch Street (London Road end). 
  • Nearest car park - Yellow Car Park.
  • This entrance is commonly used for Clinic A, Clinic B, Derbyshire Integrated Sexual Health Service, x-ray and Imaging department. 
  • This entrance is closed between 6pm - 7am.

Main Entrance

  • Located off Oxford Street. 
  • Nearest car park is Yellow Car Park.
  • This entrance is commonly used for Blood Clinic, Eye Clinic, Dermatology Outpatients, Clinic G, Audiology, ImPACT+/Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Wound Care Clinic and access to Level 3 for Muscular Skeletal Outpatients and Diabetic Retinopathy Clinic.
  • This entrance is closed between 8pm - 6am.

Entrance B

  • Located off Oxford Street. 
  • Nearest car park is Purple Car Park.
  • Access to all Wards and Clinic M. 
  • Used this entance to access the hospital at night via an intercom system when the main entrance is closed.

Entrance C

  • Located on Litchurch Street (Osmaston Road end).
  • This entrance is closed between 7pm - 6pm.