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photo collage of president of royal college of surgeons meeting with UHDB teams

President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England meets with pioneering surgery teams

The President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS England) has praised University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust (UHDB) colleagues for a 'thoroughly interesting and enjoyable visit' last month in which he spoke to our leading surgeons and teams, learnt about the strategic investments in our 'impressive portfolio' of state-of-the-art surgical technology and facilities, and discussed the NHS landscape for the surgical profession.

MAKO robot

UHDB chosen as one of handful of NHS trusts to use innovative new robot for orthopaedic surgery

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton (UHDB) has been selected as one of only a handful of hospital trusts in the UK to welcome the use of a state-of-the-art new robot to carry out certain joint replacement procedures.

The new technology, called the Stryker MAKO robot, is now being used by surgeons at Royal Derby Hospital and so far has been used in around 25 cases.

Royal Derby Hospital begins £10m upgrade works at Kings Treatment Centre

Last week, we embarked on an exciting new project that will revolutionise healthcare delivery at Royal Derby Hospital. With around £10m of investment, the Kings Treatment Centre will expand to include a brand-new facility, providing state-of-the-art clinical facilities for planned operations and surgery, positioning us at the forefront of healthcare delivery in the UK.

This will bring immense benefits to our patients, with the main goal of the project to directly enhance the experience of the many thousands of people who require surgery throughout the year. By reducing waiting times for operations, we estimate that we will be able to increase the number of daycase and inpatient procedures by over 2,500 patients annually.

Excellent employee award - Sarah Balmforth (1)

‘Outstanding and caring leader’ Sarah recognised with Excellent Employee Award

“Devoted” Clinical Nurse Specialist Sarah Balmforth entered the room to a huge round of applause from colleagues, as she was presented with our Monthly Excellent Employee Award for the instrumental role she has played in growing and leading the team at the Pulvertaft Hand Unit at Royal Derby Hospital.

Vaccinator Abbie Marston

Meet UHDB super vaccinator Abbie Marston

For most of the year Abbie Marston works as a registered nurse but since September she has been centred at Royal Derby Hospital’s vaccination hub, offering covid boosters and flu vaccinations to keep UHDB colleagues safe. 

Abbie is just one of UHDB’s super vaccinators, lending her time to the seasonal vaccinations programme which aims to protect our staff with the covid booster and flu vaccinations.

Meet The Team: Surgical Day Case Unit, Treatment Centre, QHB

We are delighted to introduce our new Meet The Team series, where we will be speaking with colleagues across our five sites to get to know them a little better, and share what they do across our organisation. We start with the Surgical Day Case Unit in the Treatment Centre at Queen’s Hospital Burton.

Jane has praised the incredible care at the Treatment Centre

Patient praises ‘incredible care’ at Treatment Centre

A Derby patient who was offered a procedure at Burton’s Treatment Centre has thanked staff for their ‘fantastic care’ at the state-of-the-art facility, which is helping to ease pressures on waiting lists for elective recovery.

The Treatment Centre at Queen’s Hospital Burton recently celebrated its two-year anniversary providing elective care for those who need orthopaedic treatment within our community.

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