Former NICU baby Georgia raises money for Derby NICU that cared for her in 2011 | Latest news

Former NICU baby Georgia raises money for Derby NICU that cared for her in 2011

Picture of Georgia

Derby born eight year old, Georgia has found a funky way to raise money for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit who cared for her when she was born 9 weeks early.

In October 2011, Georgia was born via C Section at 31 weeks at Royal Derby Hospital. After Georgia was born, she was taken to NICU for support with breathing and a number of infections.

Georgia received excellent care from all of the staff on the unit. Not only did they deliver a high standard of medical care, but they also made sure to take time to explain everything that was happening to her parents and provided them with emotional support at such a scary time for any parent.

Eight year old Georgia wanted to do something to raise money for the NHS as soon as she heard about the Coronavirus pandemic on the news. Georgia loves to dance so decided to complete a 5 hour danceathon to raise money for the Royal Derby Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.  

Georgia’s Mum, Elizabeth said: “Georgia learnt more about her own journey when she saw the news and asked questions and heard about how ventilators had helped her and helped her become the healthy and happy little girl she is today.

Although we no longer live in Derby, Georgia knows she was born at the Royal Derby Hospital, it seemed the most obvious charity to support as without the Royal Derby Hospital she wouldn’t be the girl she is today. The care from the NICU staff was outstanding and always seemed a step ahead when she became ill.”

The danceathon raised over £500 and you can donate here:


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