Abdelrahman, Mr Taher

Mr Taher Abdelrahman

Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery

Location: Queen's Hospital Burton


Contact information

Telephone: 01283 511511 5484 (Secretary)

Email: vara.venkatachalam@nhs.net (Secretary)


Armstrong, Mr Daniel

Dr Daniel Armstrong

Mr Daniel Armstrong

Specialty: Hands

Location: Royal Derby Hospital


Contact information

Telephone: 01332 788077 (Secretary)

Email: karen.ward9@nhs.net (Secretary)

Arrowsmith, Miss Jill

Miss Jill Arrowsmith

Specialty: Hands

Location: Royal Derby Hospital


Contact information

Telephone: 01332 783390 (Secretary)

Email: kim.mycroft@nhs.net (Secretary)

Ashwood, Prof. Neil

Prof. Neil Ashwood

Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery

Location: Queen's Hospital Burton


Contact information

Telephone: 01283 593309 (Secretary)

Email: lindsey.cheetham@nhs.net (Secretary)

Bajoria, Mr Ajay

Mr Ajay Bajoria

Specialty: Orthopaedics

Location: Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital 

Contact information

Telephone: 01283 566333 ext 3862 (Secretary)

Email: dhft.medsecssrp@nhs.net (Secretary)

Bainbridge, Prof Chris

Prof Chris Bainbridge

Specialty: Hands

Location: Royal Derby Hospital


Contact information

Telephone: 01332 785252 (Secretary)

Email: chris.vial@nhs.net (Secretary)

Bindi, Mr. Francesco

Mr. Frank Bindi

Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery

Location: Queen's Hospital Burton


Contact information

Telephone: 01283 593237 (Secretary)

Email: liz.firth1@nhs.net (Secretary)

Burgula, Mr Maitravaarun

Mr Maitravaarun Burgula

Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery

Location: Royal Derby Hospital 


Contact information

Telephone: 01332 787558 (Secretary)

Email: dhft.gpenquiriesorthopaedic@nhs.net (Secretary)

Dekker, Mr Andrew

Mr. Andrew Dekker

Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery

Location: Queen's Hospital Burton


Contact information

Queens Hospital Burton

Telephone: 01283 593240 (Secretary)
Email: lydia.piercy@nhs.net (Secretary)

Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital

Telephone: 01283 566333 ext 8289 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.medsecssrp@nhs.net (Secretary)

Samuel Johnson Community Hospital

Telephone: 01283 56633 ext 3070 (Secretary)

Hayward, Mr. Keith

Mr. Keith Hayward

Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery

Location: Queen's Hospital Burton


Contact information

Telephone: 01283 593245 (Secretary)

Email: stephanie.roulstone@nhs.net (Secretary)

Heras-Palau, Mr Carlos

Mr Carlos Heras-Palau

Specialty: Hands

Location: Royal Derby Hospital


Contact information

Telephone: 01332 783388 (Secretary)

Email: lara.chambers@nhs.net (Secretary)

Horton, Miss Tracy

Miss Tracy Horton

Specialty: Hands

Location: Royal Derby Hospital


Contact information

Telephone: 01332 783387 (Secretary)

Email: linda.myers3@nhs.net (Secretary)

Kitsis, Mr. Christos

Mr. Christos Kitsis

Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery

Location: Queen's Hospital Burton


Contact information

Telephone: 01283 593245 (Secretary)

Email: stephanie.roulstone@nhs.net (Secretary)

Klezl, Mr. Zdenek

Mr. Zdenek Klezl

Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery

Location: Royal Derby Hospital


Contact information

Telephone: 01332 340131 (Main switchboard)

Email: TBC

Lindau, Prof. Tommy

Prof. Tommy Lindau Prof Tommy Lindau

Specialty: Hands

Location: Royal Derby Hospital


Contact information

Telephone: 01332 783389 (secretary)

Email: kirsty.davis7@nhs.net (secretary)

Mulay, Mr. Sanjay

Mr. Sanjay Mulay

Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery

Location: Queen's Hospital Burton


Contact information

Telephone: 01283 593240 (Secretary)

Email: lydia.piercy1@nhs.net (Secretary)

O'Brien, Miss Mary

Miss Mary O'Brien

Specialty: Hands

Location: Royal Derby Hospital


Contact information

Telephone: 01332 783388 (Secretary)

Email: amanda.naylor2@nhs.net (Secretary)

Russell, Mr. Peter

Mr. Peter Russell

Specialty: Hands

Location: Royal Derby Hospital


Contact information

Royal Derby Hospital 

Telephone: 01332 785253 (Secretary)

Email: anna.wilson11@nhs.net (Secretary)

Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital

Telephone: 01283 566333 ext 8200 (Secretary)

Email: dhft.medsecssrp@nhs.net (Secretary)

Sohatee, Mr Mark

Mr Mark Sohatee

Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery

Location: Royal Derby Hospital

Contact information

Telephone (Secretary): 01332 789044

Venkataraman, Mr. Raja

Mr. Raja Venkataraman 

Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery

Location: Queen's Hospital Burton


Contact information

Queens Hospital Burton

Telephone: 01283 593237 (Secretary)
Email: liz.firth1@nhs.net (Secretary)

Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital

Telephone: 01283 566333 ext 8289 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.medsecssrp@nhs.net (Secretary)

Samuel Johnson Community Hospital

Telephone: 01283 56633 ext 3063 (Secretary)