Valerie Haylett, Governor

Valerie Haylett Governor Biography

After 28 years of working in the Pulvertaft Hand Centre at Royal Derby Hospital, I retired as its coordinator in 2015. My continuing interest in the work of the NHS lead to my becoming a governor at UHDB in 2017. My considerable work experience plus time as an in and outpatient gives me the knowledge and confidence to represent patients at Board level. I greatly enjoy participating in working groups in our hospitals. 

I am the Chair of the UHDB Member’s Engagement Group. This Group help to organise the Health and Information Talks. This group go out into our hospitals and other venues to meet and talk to members, the public and staff. I am also a member of the Governor Engagement Group. This Group visit wards, clinics, admin areas and other departments to meet patients and staff to obtain their views of our hospitals. I am also Chair of the Patient Participation Group (PPG) at my GP practice.

I am very interested in our young patients and dementia patients. As part of this I organise an ongoing supply of TLC Teddies to Children’s A&E and wards. I have also been instrumental in raising funds for our wonderful Dementia team.

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