Children's Neurodevelopmental Physiotherapy

The Children's Neurodevelopmental Physiotherapy outpatient service is for babies and infants who are facing delay in their motor skills development and are not yet achieving some of their motor milestones.

We may also review children who have musculoskeletal issues such as torticollis, flat feet or to review walking patterns, which may benefit from therapy assessment and input. We provide specialist assessments and analysis of movement difficulties, and provide advice and treatment strategies to help with any difficulties identified.

Treatment may include:

  • Advice on activities that can be incorporated in to everyday routines.
  • Individual exercise or positioning programmes.
  • Specialist equipment and orthotics.
  • ​Signposting to relevant support services

The therapy team at Derbyshire Children’s Hospital also provide inpatient and outpatient care for children or young people with any acute neurological rehabilitation needs i.e. after an acquired brain injury or illness which affects the neurological system.

The therapist works closely alongside other members of the multidisciplinary team, to ensure children and their families are working together towards their goals of rehabilitation. They will also help to support a transition out of acute hospital care and in integrating back into the community setting.

Click on the links below to find some useful information to help young children and babies with their development: