Laithwaite, Dr David
Dr David Laithwaite
Specialty: Emergency Department
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787482 or 01332 783139
Email: dhft.edsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Laugharne, Dr David
Dr David Laugharne
Specialty: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787869 (Secretary)
Email: emma.warren2@nhs.net (Secretary)
Lawson, Dr Adam
Dr Adam Lawson 
Specialty: Gastroenterology (Hepatology)
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 786981 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.Gastrosecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Lawrence, Dr Hannah
Dr Hannah Lawrence
Specialty: Respiratory Medicine
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 783757 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.respiratorysecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Lawuyi, Miss Lola
Miss. Lola Lawuyi
Specialty: Ophthalmology
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Queens Hospital Burton
Telephone: 01283 511511 (ext 6366 or 6362) (Secretary)
Email: a.buesden@nhs.net (Secretary) or f.smallwood@nhs.net (Secretary)
Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital
Telephone: 01283 566333 ext 8289 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.medsecssrp@nhs.net (Secretary)
Laxminarayan, Dr Ramasharan
Dr Ramasharan Laxminarayan
Specialty: Rheumatology
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Telephone: 01283 511511 (ext 3167) (Secretary)
Email: hayley.wainwright@nhs.net (Secretary)
Generic email: rheumatology.secretariesqhb@nhs.net (Secretary)
Lee, Dr Agnes
Dr Agnes Lee
Specialty: Radiology
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 340131 (Main switchboard)
Email: TBC
Lee, Dr Agnes
Dr Agnes Lee
Specialty: Radiology
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 340131 (Main switchboard)
Email: TBC
Lee, Dr Ai-May
Dr Ai-May Lee
Specialty: Paediatrics
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 786824 (Secretary)
Email: helen.myers13@nhs.net (Secretary)
Lee, Mr. Patrick
Mr. Patrick Lee
Specialty: Ear, Nose and Throat
Location: Queen's Hospital Burton
Contact information
Queens Hopsital Burton
Telephone: 01283 511511 (ext 4195) (Secretary)
Email: carole.watson1@nhs.net (Secretary)
Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital
Telephone: 01283 566333 ext 3862 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.medsecssrp@nhs.net (Secretary)
Leeder, Mr. Paul
Mr. Paul Leeder
Specialty: General Surgery
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 789430 (Secretary) or 01332 789429 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.ugisecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Lennon, Dr Iain
Dr Iain Lennon 
Specialty: Emergency Department
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787482 or 01332 783139
Email: dhft.edsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Lewins, Dr Ian
Dr Ian Lewins
Specialty: Paediatrics
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787682 (Secretary)
Email: Natasha.brown3@nhs.net (Secretary)
Lewis, Dr James
Dr James Lewis
Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 (7)87890 (Secretary)
- GP enquiries: dhft.gpenquiriesorthopaedic@nhs.net
- Primary care musculoskeletal (MSK) enquiries: uhdb.mskorthopaedics@nhs.net
Lewis, Dr Mary
Dr Mary Lewis
Specialty: Palliative Medicine
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 788794 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.pallmedsecs@nhs.net (Secretary)
Li, Dr Simon
Dr Simon Li
Specialty: Paediatrics
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787682 (Secretary)
Email: Natasha.brown3@nhs.net (Secretary)
Lin, Dr Xia
Dr Xi Lin 
Specialty: Rehabilitation
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 258239 (Secretary)
Email: Isobel.barker3@nhs.net (Secretary)
Generic email: dhft.SpecialistRehabilitation@nhs.net (Secretary)
Lindau, Prof. Tommy
Prof. Tommy Lindau 
Specialty: Hands
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 783389 (secretary)
Email: kirsty.davis7@nhs.net (secretary)
Lingam, Mr. Krishna
Mr. Krishna Lingam
Specialty: General Surgery
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787035 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.vascularsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Liptrot, Miss Sarah
Miss Sarah Liptrot
Specialty: General Surgery
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 785590 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.colorectalsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Livingston, Dr Thomas
Dr Thomas Livingston
Specialty: Acute Medicine
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787606 (Secretary)
Email: uhdb.MAUsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Lloyd Nash, Dr Richard
Dr Richard Lloyd Nash
Specialty: Paediatrics
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 786824 (Secretary)
Email: helen.myers13@nhs.net (Secretary)
Low, Dr James
Dr James Low
Specialty: Anaesthetics
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 785412 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.anaestheticsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Lowrey, Dr Gillian
Dr Gillian Lowrey 
Specialty: Respiratory Medicine
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 786902 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.RespiratorySecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Lund, Mr Jonathan
Mr Jonathan Lund
Specialty: General Surgery
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 (7)88762 (Secretary) or 01332 (7)88758 (Secretary)
Email: dhft.colorectalsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)
Lwin, Dr Zaw
Dr Zaw Lwin
Specialty: Acute Medicine
Location: Royal Derby Hospital
Contact information
Telephone: 01332 787606 (Secretary)
Email: uhdb.MAUsecretaries@nhs.net (Secretary)