New electronic system now available for those using our maternity services

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust (UHDB) is now using Badger Notes, an online system and app which aims to give people more access to and control of their maternity records during pregnancy.
If your estimated due date is after 24 September 2024, you can speak to your midwife about transferring your handheld paper maternity book to the Badger Notes system. For those whose estimated due date are before 24 September 2024, Badger Notes will provide useful resources after your baby is born.
Badger Notes allows easier access and control of your pregnancy notes:
- View your maternity records on your mobile phone, tablet and computer before, during and after birth.
- Track weekly development of your pregnancy.
- Share your thoughts and choices about your maternity care.
- View some test results.
- Add personal diary entries and photos of your growing bump.
- Access our full library of pregnancy leaflets and recommended information.
Find out more on our Badger Notes page > and speak to your midwife at your next appointment about how you can access Badger Notes.