Active studies

The studies below are currently open, recruiting patients or in follow-up.


IRAS ID: 271043

REC Reference: 20/NI/0056

Sponsor: University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust

Funder: NIHR Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME)

Registration: NCT04238299

Services: Trial management, Data management, eCRF database

Study website: Access AFIRM study website (opens in new window) >

Status: In follow-up

Access further information about the AFIRM study (opens in new window) >

RaCeR 2

IRAS ID: 318438

REC Reference: 23/LO/0195

Sponsor: University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust

Funder: National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR) - Health Technology Assessment (HTA)

Registration: ISRCTN11499185

Services: Full CTU Service

Study website: Access RaCeR 2 study website (opens in new window) >

Status: Open to recruitment

Access further information about the RaCeR 2 study [pdf] 151KB (opens in new window) >


IRAS ID: 277535

REC Reference: 20/WM/0078

Sponsor: University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust

Funder: Parkinson’s UK

Registration: NCT04389138

Services: Full CTU Service

Status: In follow-up

Access further information about the PEEP study [pdf] 161KB (opens in new window) >


IRAS ID: 278111

REC Reference: 21/WA/0328

Sponsor: Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Funder: Nottingham NIHR Biomedical Research Centre Pfizer UK Limited

Registration: NCT05663944

Services: Trial management

Status: Open to recruitment

Access further information about the RESUS study [pdf] 144KB (opens in new window) >


IRAS ID: 315581

REC Reference: 22/LO/0554

Sponsor: University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust

Funder: UHDB Trust Charity

Registration: NCT05449691

Services: Trial Management; Data Management; Randomisation; Statistics; Sponsor; eCRF/ ePRO/ Study Database

Status: Open to recruitment

Access further information about the BIOSYM study [pdf] 172KB (opens in new window) >