Neck pain

We often refer to general neck pain as ‘mechanical neck pain’. This means, it is not always clear what the exact cause is, but is likely to be a combination of things.

The best approach is to gradually get your neck moving, and start to strengthen the muscles. It can be uncomfortable to begin with, but this does not mean you are causing any further harm or damage.


Whiplash, or 'whiplash associated disorders' as it can also be described, is an injury to the neck caused by sudden movements forwards and backwards or even side to side. It is usually associated with a motor vehicle accident.

Symptoms may develop immediately or may even take a few days before they start. This may include pain, stiffness, headaches and muscle tenderness.

In most cases the damage to the neck is mild, however, if you have any concerns, it is advisable to get checked by a health professional.

Patient information leaflets

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