Upper Gastro-Intestinal (GI) surgery

The Upper-GI team provide surgical services for conditions of the food-pipe (oesophagus), stomach, pancreas and gallbladder.

This includes the treatment of cancers, reflux, gallstones, and obesity (please see our Bariatric surgery (weight loss) > and Pancreaticobiliary surgery > web pages).

A team of consultants are supported by nurse specialists, as part of a multi-disciplinary team (MDT).

All outpatient appointments are in the Surgical Outpatient Clinic, and operations are performed in either the General Daycase Facility, or the General Theatre Suite.

We see patients with:

  • cancer
  • gastro-oesophageal reflux
  • gallstones
  • pancreatitis
  • hernia

Contact us

Telephone: 01332 7 85564

How to refer

This service is available on NHS eReferral.

Suspicion of Upper-GI cancer

What was seen on your gastroscopy?

During your gastroscopy the endoscopist saw an abnormal appearing area in either your wind-pipe (oesophagus), stomach, or duodenum that was suspicious of being a cancer.

There can be other reasons for there to be abnormal area, such as inflammation. Biopsies (samples of tissue) have been taken to confirm a diagnosis.

What happens next?

The biopsies taken at endoscopy will be sent to be tested in the lab. While waiting for these results a CT scan of your chest, abdomen and pelvis will be arranged, unless you have had one recently or one has been booked for you before your endoscopy. This may require you to have a blood test done prior and you will be contacted if that is needed.

The CT scan is done so that while awaiting your biopsy results, your treatment options can be discussed within a Upper GI multi-disciplinary team (MDT) meeting.

What is a CT scan?

A CT scan is a type of x-ray, which allows the soft tissue inside your body to be seen in greater detail. This scan requires you to lie on an x-ray couch and you will be advanced into the scanner. The scanner is open at both ends so it is easy to see around the room. You may be given an injection of dye which helps to show areas inside your body more clearly.

When biopsies and CT reports are back

The biopsies and CT results can take up to 14 days to be reported, but sometimes require further specialist testing off site which can exceed 14 days. Once the biopsy and CT results are back they will be reviewed in the next UGI MDT meeting; this takes place on Wednesday mornings. Usually, within the MDT meeting UGI surgeons, UGI medical doctors, UGI oncology doctors, radiologists, histologists, UGI clinical nurse specialist and UGI dietetics will be present to discuss all your results.

After the results have been discussed you may be asked to come to clinic or require further tests. A member of the UGI Clinical Specialist team will be in contact with you to discuss the outcome of the UGI MDT.

Contact Us

A member of the UGI team (see below) will be in contact with you within 3 working days after your initial endoscopy to introduce the team and their role. If you have any questions with what has been discussed today or would like to talk sooner, please contact the UGI clinical nurse specialist.

Upper GI Clinical Nurse Specialists

Contact number: 01332 786561 (with answerphone)

Upper GI Navigators

Contact number: 01332 786561 (with answerphone)

Physiotherapy after Upper-GI surgery

Using an Incentive Spirometer

The following video demonstrates how to use an Incentive Spirometer correctly. You will be provided with one of these at your pre-op appointment or on the day of your surgery.

Patient information leaflets

Download Upper GI - enhanced recovery physiotherapy [pdf] 474KB