Fatigue Education Course

The Fatigue Education Course comprises of six short sessions aimed at supporting people who are experiencing fatigue.

People can experience fatigue for different reasons. If your therapist has given you details of this course, it may be that you have been given a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome or have experienced a neurological injury such as a stroke or a traumatic brain injury.

The main aim of the course is to empower people to learn to manage their fatigue and to enable them to regain control over their daily life, by learning to pace and to rest adequately.

This course should only be undertaken on the guidance of a clinician.

What do the six sessions entail?

Each session is 5-15 mins in length. You can work at your own pace and pause each session as required. There is a short piece of work following each session to enable you to consolidate what you have learned and to prepare you for the next session.

You may find it helpful to download the low energy leaflet before starting the course.

Additional resources are linked under the appropriate video below.

Fatigue Education videos

Videos can be viewed in full-screen by viewing via the YouTube website and pressing 'f' on your keyboard. To view the video via YouTube, click on the video title at the top-left of the video.

If you are viewing on a mobile device, you may need to open the video in the YouTube app to view it full screen.

How to rest

Here we consider different types of rest.

*Note: Please be aware that the NHS Apps website referred to in the above video is no longer in operation.

You can also find relaxation techniques on our Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) > page.


Consideration of factors that affect good sleep hygiene.


The NHS app library has a selection of apps that can be useful in helping you to sleep. Many of these apps offer a free trial period with an option of purchasing them in the longer term should they be beneficial.