Annette's Ovarian Cancer journey

Hello, my name is Annette and I wanted to share my experience with you. I find it difficult talking about myself, so hopefully you will bear with me!
I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in November 2018. It was a huge shock, especially coming after years of being a carer for my children and elderly parents. I found this one of the most difficult things to come to terms with, the fact that I was now the one who now needed support and to accept care from others. My family and friends (and my little terrier!) were invaluable during this time in supporting me. I feel very fortunate to have had them there.
I had ultra-radical surgery for ovarian cancer the following January, performed by the amazing surgeons and staff at the Royal Derby Hospital. All the care I received from the lovely staff in ICU and hospital enabled me to return home a bit earlier than expected, after just ten days. Six weeks later, after having recovered a little from the surgery, I started on six sessions of chemotherapy which were spread over about five months.
My heartfelt advice to anyone about to go through cancer treatment would be to talk openly about it if possible and put your trust in the care given by the lovely oncology staff.